Monday, January 17, 2011


Here's the link all- I hope you enjoy!


  1. I liked your setup on the prezi, Evan. It was cool how you kept reverting back to the original topic.
    I thought it was interesting how so much of this technology seemed to be created in order to deal with Japan. Since our bases had to be farther away from the action, new technology was invented to attack from farther away.

  2. I agree with kaylan i thought it was cool how you kept going back to your orriginal topic, very creative. I also think your information was outstanding, there was so much info. I think that its cool how people used bombers beacue it would have less bloodshed.

  3. I think your prezi was so well organized. It was clear and concise and related the technology to its actual use in the war. (aircraft carriers and island hopping for example)
